Monday, August 20, 2012

Introducing Mother Goose Monday!

Mother Goose celebrated her special day (Mother Goose Day is May 1) by reading some of her favorite books! 

Nursery rhymes are often the first forms of poetry that young children are exposed to.  There are many wonderful collections of nursery rhymes that are excellent choices for reading aloud or for selecting  a rhyme or two to feature each week in a classroom, library, or in the home. 

With that said, it makes sense that Mother Goose titles (whether they are collections of many rhymes or a single title devoted to illustrating one rhyme), make excellent Book Breaks!  I will dedicate Monday as the day of the week to highlight both the older classic editions of Mother Goose books and the latest and greatest titles.  Additionally, I will share a rhyme or two that the kindergarteners at my school are reciting and enjoying.   

Each week at school, I conduct a Mother Goose visit to kindergarten classrooms.  It works much the same way as a Poetry or Book Break!  My goal is to expose the students to nursery rhymes that they may or may not, yet  have been introduced to.  The focus is on promoting rich language and literacy experiences.  During the fun and interactive visit from Mother Goose, the children are exposed to a myriad of skills, including: phonological awareness, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and a host of other valuable learning experiences. 

Join me on Mondays and we'll take a Book Break together with Mother Goose!


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